Why Do We Write?


Among many reasons, we write to connect with something bigger than ourselves; to make something bigger than ourselves more manageable; to integrate and understand our lives and what matters. Application essays reveal something about their author and, through the process of discovery and transformation, effective application essays make it possible for the reader to believe that the essay's author can & will transfer or apply this knowledge to their college experience. Hence, these essays are concerned with audience and outcomes and must therefore blend narration and persuasion as preferred rhetorical strategies.

In the comment section below, draft an essay that shows something of who you are through a specific event and action, bearing in mind who will read your essay as well as its purpose. At this stage, do not concern yourself with mechanics. Save such concerns for later stages of the revision process.
12/1/2012 03:26:39 am

In an effort to see how long a comment is permitted in this space, I pasted 395 words from my the draft of my forthcoming work entitled, The Chaos Diet.

Life in the 21st century can often feel like you're stuck in the spin cycle at a public laundromat minutes before closing on Valentine's Day. Everyone else has a date, a purpose, a plan. You? You've got baggage, soggy baggage, and no one even willing to stop long enough to make change. Enter: The Muse. She looks almost familiar, in a dangerous kind of way. She comes over, leans against the bar-height folding table, and stares into the industrial-sized dryer watching the blanket and tennis shoes do their mad, awkward tango. You consider striking up conversation, but how?

Uncharacteristically, you launch into something random about the rhythm the shoes are making. She turns to look at you, neither batting an eyelash nor making a sound, expecting you to say something she can use. Nada. Zippo. Zilch comes to mind and you remember, as desperation begins to bead on your eight-head, that quirky-now-genius college writing instructor you once had who went on long after it was seemly about freewriting. What was it she had said? She harped on about it till everyone in class thought she had simply hit the mute button in her head and, like Elvis, left the building. What was her advice? "Don't Boo. Vote. But vote with your pen." She'd said that after attending a rally for the POTUS a few short days before the election. No one seemed to get the inside joke she was trying to share, but they chuckled, some politely, as if they had understood, some in embarrassment for her.

Why did that moment seem to be your answer in this moment so far removed from the class you ended up loving a few semesters after it had ended? It became crystal clear when, trapped like a dear in the headlights during the next semester's team presentation, you understood what she'd meant in her off-the-wall way of not lecturing. Commit. Nothing was ever accomplished without commitment.

There was your lifeline. It was time to commit before the dryer stopped. So you started riffing on the first thing you laid eyes on - the coin tray whose function, now obsolete, had been replaced by swipe cards. Why had they not been removed? You asked The Muse.

Pay dirt. Her eyes lit up and conversation between strangers fell into a groove as smooth as Coltrane answering Miles back in '58.

Stone Devereaux
12/1/2012 05:47:16 am

All my life I've considered myself to be quiet headstrong and never thought that the world could effect me. But, i was wrong. I realized that i was volneerable as

12/1/2012 05:47:17 am

During my junior year of high school I chose to volunteer at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission, and to serve the homeless in the kitchen. This experience was eye-opening and presented me with a newfound appreciation for my own possessions and life style.

Upon arriving to the Las Vegas Rescue Mission I was immediately presented with an apron and hair net and began serving those in need. After serving a total of 400 people I realized how big of a problem poverty is in Las Vegas and was inspired to start food drives and fund raising events for the Las Vegas Rescue Mission. I used my position as NHS president to my advantage and got my club to collaborate and to come up with ideas that would effectively aid the rescue mission.

12/1/2012 05:47:31 am

If you can believe you can achieve. This came to me later in my years. I knew the old adage well for some time now. The problem was, I could not believe in myself.

I remember going back to college at the age of twenty-six. I had been a failure in my previous college experience at UNLV, attaining straight F's in my last semester.

I had gone through a strong emotional experience before I started my academic career at CSN. It had made me stronger, more confident in myself. I was determined this time. I was no longer I failure, I believed in myself.

I put my focus in school, this time determined to do well in my classes, to study, to participate. Fear of failure, of incompetence was no longer crossing my every thought. I payed attention in class, I participated. In the end, I achieved what I had not before, I had straight A's at the end of the semester. I just had to believe in myself. Proof that if you can believe, you can achieve.

12/1/2012 05:47:54 am

Is being tenacious a good thing or not? I felt there was an issue with the purpose of a 501c3 that had been approved to be formed without the board's approval. Was it an oversight the board was not fully informed or was there some other agenda? The questions started, they continued not to be answered, I continued on until the application for the 501c3 was recinded. Tenacity is a good thing.

12/1/2012 05:48:11 am

Having see a close friend give birth, I have seen the true purpose of life.

12/1/2012 05:50:12 am

The year 2012 has been one of the most difficult years i have ever lived through, but i also learned who I am and how strong i can be when needed.
the month of june was a long month that seemed like it would never end. My grandpa went into the hospital for a simple heart valve replacement and three weeks later died due to brain damage. He left behind his wife of 53 years who has Alzthiemers. It was then that i realized i had to take a huge pay cut and go part time at work so I could help take care of my grandma. It has been long and difficult watching her degrade mentally, slowly losing the person i love so dearly. I never wanted to be a caretaker to any living soul except my pets. I never wanted children because I didnt want the responisibility. at the age of 28 I found myself caretaker to my grandma, and the constent strugle of a day to day living with someone who cant do a simple thing as making herself dinner. It is heart breaking, and time consuming.

Chris Rodilosso
12/1/2012 05:50:26 am

After high school I graduated with my high school diploma. I figured I could take on the world now. I was wrong; in high school I didn't value education like I do now.
I graduated with a 1.9; I was working, making money, but still living at home with my parents. I worked and worked was promoted many times.
One time I was hired as a coffee barista and 3 months later promoted to store manager. I thought this is it; this is how I become simething. I was fired from a few jbs for amazingly bogus reasons but I always thought one day I could get into a carreer job if I try hard enough. Well it never happened.
So ten years later I am in school learning because I need to not because I have to.

Torri Pratt
12/1/2012 05:54:55 am

When I became a senior in high school I knew that I was growing up and about to live on my own. I know In August of 2013 I will be going off to college and experiencing the real world. So over the time my parents would give me lectures on how they grew up and to work for what they want.
When I heard how hard they had to work that is where I found myself as a person. I knew I would have to work hard and fight for everything that I wanted to accomplish. I have been fighting ever since I was born and now I am growing up and preparing to go into the real world to face reality.
I want to be able to help others find their true selves and make something of theirselves. i know when I come back from college to see my parents I want show them that all their lectures about hard work paid in the end because they helped me become who I am.

Chris Rodilosso
12/1/2012 06:11:02 am

After going from job to job and never being satisfied. I knew I had to become something more than the small supervisor/management jobs I had prior. I was laid off in 2010 and decided to go back to school ten years after graduation. I graduate with my Associates in may and I plan on continuing my education to at least a masters. I learned so much so far and cannot even fathom what I will learn the further I travel this road. I want to one day own some businesses I want to have at least one coffee shop

12/1/2012 06:11:17 am

The challenges I faced while completing my AA DEGREE at CSN, which began at the tender age of 40, and took me 20 years, taking 1 or 2 classes a semester and being a single mother to three children. The last year at CSN was crucial,the Biology class was devastating, of course I saved what had been determined the hard class as my very last class. My Professor was not very supportive as I requested assistance. I thought about withdrawing, through prayer, tears, determination,and help from classmates, I survived. My thoughts, how could I encourage my children and others to endure in hardship,if I was not willing to try harder.

12/1/2012 06:12:34 am

Marketing presents so many opportunities to be creative. Thinking outside the box to achieve success in business. A degree in marketing gives you a license to assist businesses build their brand, through logo creatiion, web presence, packaging, advertising...where does it end, a means ot an end. Success!

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2012

